Où? Hotel Nivelles Sud - Vandervalk Chaussee de Mons 22 , 1400 Nivelles - Belgium
Quand? 25.09.2020
Friday September 25th 2020 - 2:00 PM
Covid19 : Impact & upcoming challenges for Q4/2020 & 2021
For many weeks now, the Coronavirus crisis has been a constant preoccupation for us and for our teams, but also for our families and loved ones. What is the impact on the business and what are the challenges ahead ?
Dr Elke Geraerts
"Inspiration knows no bounds"
Keynote Speaker | Human Capital Expert | Bestselling Author | Building the bridge between science and practice | CEO Better Minds at Work | Doctor in Psychology
Prof Claude Boffa
"Covid-19 impact in the Pharma"
Professor of Management Practice in Retail & Marketing, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management - ULB
Jerome Gobbesso
"Covid-19 impact on online business"
CEO -NewPharma
Limited to 200 people
The current health situation obliges us to take exceptional measures.
To ensure traceability in case of Covid-19 contamination, registration for the symposium is mandatory.
Respect of barrier gestures during the symposium (wearing of the mask and use of the hydroalcoholic gel)
Each participant will receive a protective mask and a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance. All measures are taken during the entire symposium to fight together against Covid-19.